Heidi Horn, PhD

Position title: Associate Director & Teaching Faculty, Biocore

Pronouns: she/her

Email: hhorn@wisc.edu

363 Noland Hall

BS Biology – Neuroscience, UW-Madison

PhD Zoology, UW-Madison


I teach and interact with students, faculty/staff, and alumni — all in the context of Biocore. In my position as director, I guide the administration of Biocore as well as a number of other activities including teaching  (1. Biocore 382- Ecology, Evolution and Genetics and 2. Biocore 384-Cell Biology), training graduate teaching assistants, advising students on course and mentoring students pursuing research projects (Biocore 699) in the Biocore Prairie and beyond.

I am an ecologist and evolutionary biologist by training. I studied host-microbe symbioses during my PhD, exploring the relationship between leaf-cutter ants and antibiotic-producing bacteria. I went on to teach at Edgewood College after my postdoctoral work. There my research focused on exploring microbial ecology in the context of a kitchen sponge. A sponge is a somewhat isolated environment (like an island) that makes asking ecological questions a little easier. This is espeically important when studying bacteria that are difficult to see and manipulate. In addition to my biology research interests, I am also interested in studying how students learn in the classroom. Primarily, I am interested in how student identity influences their success in the science classroom. When I’m not on campus, you’ll find me with my family hiking, biking, or exploring prairies (I am a Wisconsonite!) or baking something new.

Publications [link to my Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZY0SkJ4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao]