If you would like to collaborate with us by participating in one of our science nights or in some other capacity, please reach out to uwbiooa@gmail.com to get in contact with us. We are always looking for collaborators to bring new activities and perspectives to our events!
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Undergraduate Neuroscience Society - UNS
UNS is an undergraduate neuroscience society that organizes outreach events, hosts speaking events, and empowers student research for undergraduates. More information about UNS can be found here.
Veterinary Medical Outreach Organization - VMOO
VMOO is the UW Veterinary school’s outreach organization. VMOO organizes outreach events for K12 students including family science nights, pre-vet student mentoring, summer camps, workshops, library programs, and more. More information about VMOO can be found here.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - LLS
LLS is UW Madison’s chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which seeks to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease, and myeloma, and improve the quality of life for patients through research, patient access, and advocacy. More information about LLS can be found here.
American Medical Student Association - AMSA
AMSA is a pre-medical student organization that empowers pre-medical students with shadowing opportunities, talks from local physicians, outreach events, and more. More information about AMSA can be found here.