Bull thistle and Canada thistle are two problem weed species that threaten the Biocore Prairie. Mike tested whether careful spot treatments with the non-specific herbicide RoundUp can kill (or severely weaken) thistles without damaging the …
Student Research
Effects of Competition on Prairie Plants – Elizabeth Halley
Elizabeth studied plant growth in an area of the Biocore prairie restoration where there was considerable competition from weeds. The focus was on three species: little bluestem (a grass), butterfly weed (a forb), and leadplant …
Pollinating Insects – Molly Carlson
Molly studied insects in the two demonstration gardens that are part of the Biocore Prairie restoration site. The project examined the relationship between flowering prairie plants (specifically spiderwort, butterfly weed, bergamot, pale purple coneflower, mountain …
Foraging Behavior of Birds – Anjan Kaushik
Anjan studied differences in foraging behavior among individuals of several bird species. This research examined whether juvenile birds were being displaced to the less diverse grassland site just southeast of the Biocore Prairie. Anjan used …
Effects of Sawdust on Soil Insects & Microbes – Nick Dahl
Mycorrhizae Study – Chris Seebruck
Colored flags in the Biocore Prairie indicate locations where roots are being sampled from both nonnative weed species and prairie species to test for the presence of mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae fungi colonize the fine absorbing roots …
Soil Nitrogen Manipulation Study – Kurt Klasson
This study was set up in May 2003 to test the effect of encorporated sawdust on soil nitrogen levels and plant community composition. Six of the twelve experimental plots had 500 mg/ square meter of …
The Impacts of Seed Predators – Elizabeth Flemming
Elizabeth studied the impact of seed predators, namely small rodents and birds, on areas freshly seeded with prairie seed. She found that seed predators preferentially took larger seed when offered seed of the same shape …
Effects of Long-Term Simulated Grazing – Craig Kohn
Craig established a series of 18 1x1m plots in Area II where he studied the effects of long-term simulated grazing. In 2005, Craig received a Wisconsin Idea Fellowship to establish workshops for FFA students wishing …
Bird and Insect Diversity – Kendra Johnson
A senior at Memorial High School in Madison, Kendra did a study of bird and insect diversity in the Biocore Prairie as compared to a nearby grassy field. She found that Biocore Prairie had greater …